
Event participation, discoveries, and updates


June 2015 - GReD, with the GeoGuard service, was among the 20 SMEs selected by JUPITER to participate to the EGNSS Village at the ITS Bordeaux 2015.

September 21st, 2018|Awards|

European Satellite Navigation Competition 2015

September 2015 - Eugenio Realini (GReD) and Nick van de Giesen (TU Delft) were awarded the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2015 University Special Prize and The Netherlands Regional Prize. Project title: “GNSS Monitoring of Precipitable Water Vapour over East Africa Using Low-Cost Receivers”, which is another application of the GeoGuard service.

September 21st, 2018|Awards|


January 2016 - GReD (Italy) and Saphyrion (Switzerland) are awarded the EUREKA-Eurostars funding for the EDWIGE project, that aims at designing and producing a low-cost innovative Galileo-GPS receiver. This receiver will be integrated into GeoGuard portfolio to address applications where single-frequency receivers are not enough.

September 21st, 2018|Awards|

e-Knot project

February 2016 - February 2016 – GReD was selected by the H2020 e-Knot project to receive consultancy from an academic institution on the topic of designing a Galileo E1/E5a dual-frequency software receiver.

September 21st, 2018|Awards|

Keys to Japan

September 2015 - GReD and GeoGuard received the Keys to Japan award by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation to develop a business plan to introduce GeoGuard in the Japanese market.

September 21st, 2018|Awards|

BRIGAID project

January 2016 - The BRIGAID project, led by TU Delft, is selected for H2020 funding. GReD is among the project participants, with the task of deploying dense networks of GeoGuard receivers in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Monterosso al Mare (Italy) to monitor atmospheric water vapour and improve the forecasts of localized heavy rain.

September 21st, 2018|Awards|

GReD water vapor monitoring activities in the Italian news

GReD's activities in the framework of the BRIGAID project were recently featured in the Italian newspaper Il Secolo XIX: Monterosso, arrivano le sentinelle “anti-alluvione”. GReD is about to deploy 8 GeoGuard GNSS stations for the monitoring of precipitable water vapor, 4 in Monterosso al Mare (Liguria, Italy), and 4 in the city of Rotterdam. Precipitable water vapor is an important atmospheric parameter, that can be used within weather forecast models to improve the prediction of heavy rain events.  

October 5th, 2017|News|

GReD to EXPO Astana 2017

GReD joined a delegation of companies representing the Como area business and industrial environment, with the support of Fondazione Alessandro Volta and ComoNExT. GReD had the chance to present its innovative GNSS-based deformation monitoring service GeoGuard, to Kazakh stakeholders in the Oil & Gas industry.

September 10th, 2017|News|

GReD attended EAGE 2017

GReD attended the 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2017 - "Energy, Technology, Sustainability - Time to open a new Chapter", held in Paris, in the framework of the GIULIA ESA project. Dr. Daniele Sampietro presented a work titled "Gravity Inversion to Understand Lithospheric Architecture Project, First Results" (link).

June 6th, 2017|News|

GReD will attend the ESRI Italia Conference in Rome, 10-11th May 2017

Next 10 and 11 May GReD will be in Rome at the 2017 Esri Italia Conference, participating among innovator teams of GEOsmartcampus, the first business accelerator based on Digital Geography. We will be present in the exhibition area with a corner at the GEOmeetUp Point, an area dedicated to meeting partners and innovative projects through demos and dedicated presentations.

May 9th, 2017|News|

GReD joins the Geo Smart Campus

GReD has joined the Geo Smart Campus, a business accelerator based on the Digital Geography that promotes skills and tools for developing innovative solutions. In this way GReD has become part of a innovation community that promotes the growth of creative potential and synergies with both local and international productive realities.

May 9th, 2017|News|

Italy’s ex-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi visits GReD

GReD is one of the three innovative companies within ComoNExT visited by the Italian ex-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Saturday 22 April 2017. The talks focused on the GeoGuard service ( for the precise, continuous and reliable monitoring of the movements and deformations of critical infrastructures.

April 26th, 2017|News|

miniRED2017: un territorio più resiliente, l’interdisciplinarità e le frontiere dell’innovazione

Il 16 febbraio 2017 presso il comune di Savona (8.30- 17.30) si svolgerà l’evento: Un territorio più resiliente, l’interdisciplinarità e le frontiere dell’innovazione. L’evento, che si inserisce nell’ambito di RED (Riviera Engineering Days), si pone l’obiettivo di far conoscere quanto istituzioni e associazioni stanno facendo per contrastare il rischio idrogeologico in Italia e ciò che la ricerca scientifica e le frontiere dell’innovazione rendono oggi disponibile per mitigarne i rischi e gli impatti sul territorio.  Una particolare attenzione verrà posta sulla interdisciplinarità, come componente indispensabile per il successo di progetti ed iniziative in quest’ambito. RED si occupa di organizzare eventi dedicati [...]

February 9th, 2017|News|

GReD at TutelaSpezia, October 1-2

GReD and Proteco will join TutelaSpezia, an exhibition and meeting on the methods and technologies to increase the resilience against floods, landslides and earthquakes, for administrators and citizens, Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October 2016, at Speziaexpò Trade Fair Centre, La Spezia. On this occasion GeoGuard will be presented, a service for the precise monitoring of critical infrastructures and Earth observation. GeoGuard enables users to accurately measure millimeter-level displacements in the following areas: Transportation: bridges, ports and airports; Energy: dams, pylons and wind plants; Oil & Gas: offshore platforms and pipelines; Public authorities: public buildings and cultural heritage; Natural hazards: subsidence, landslides and heavy rains. GeoGuard stems from [...]

September 27th, 2016|News|

Matteo Renzi visits GReD

GReD is one of the three innovative companies within ComoNExT visited by the Italian ex-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on Saturday 22 April 2017.

August 5th, 2016|Events|

GReD partecipa al progetto europeo H2020 “BRIGAID”

La presenza della ricerca e delle imprese italiane nel progetto europeo BRIGAID per l’innovazione nella lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e agli eventi estremi in Europa Sito web del progetto: L'Università di Bologna, la spin-off del Politecnico di Milano Geomatics Research & Development (GReD) Srl e la società d’ingegneria italiana Thetis SpA lavoreranno assieme a qualificati partners provenienti da 11 paesi europei per i prossimi quattro anni al progetto BRIGAID su temi dell'innovazione nelle strategie di adattamento al cambiamento climatico, con particolare attenzione al rischio da alluvioni, siccità ed eventi naturali estremi. Il progetto BRIGAID è finanziato dalla Comunità Europea [...]

July 14th, 2016|News|

Rete d’impresa NExT4Things

GReD is among the co-founders of NExT4Things (N4T), that is a "Rete d'impresa", i.e. a network of companies acting as an unified legal entity. N4T involves ten companies with activities/expertise related to the Internet of Things (IoT), all hosted at the Science and Technology Park ComoNExT. N4T has the objective of fostering, guiding and realizing (facilitating) the digital transformation of products and processes of enterprises, by using IoT as enabling technology. GReD è tra i co-fondatori della rete d'impresa NExT4Things (N4T), che coinvolge dieci realtà legate all'Internet of Things (IoT) insediate nel Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico ComoNExT: N4T ha l’obiettivo di stimolare, accompagnare e [...]

May 26th, 2016|News|

GeoGuard on Il Sole 24 Ore ‘Eventi’

Today  the "Il Sole 24 Ore" newspaper included GReD among Italy's excellent entities in its magazine "Ricerca Tecnologica, Innovazione Hi-Tech medica e scientifica", with an article dedicated to the GeoGuard Monitoring Service  

May 23rd, 2016|News|

Collaboration with CNR-ISAC and the Sapienza University of Rome-DICEA

GReD started a collaboration with the Clouds And PrEcipitation Physics (CAPE) research group of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC) and the Geodesy and Geomatics Division of the Department of Civil, Constructional and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the Sapienza University of Rome on a project that aims at testing low-cost GNSS receivers for atmospheric water vapor retrieval. GReD will provide support on the interpolation of ionospheric delay, needed when dealing with the single-frequency observations of low-cost GNSS receivers, as well as on the development of dedicated GNSS processing functions based on goGPS open source software.

May 10th, 2016|News|

GReD receives award at the ESNC 2015

Eugenio Realini (GReD) and Nick van de Giesen (TU Delft) were awarded the European Satellite Navigation Competition 2015 University Special Prize and The Netherlands Regional Prize. Project title: “GNSS Monitoring of Precipitable Water Vapour over East Africa Using Low-Cost Receivers”.

November 25th, 2015|News|

GReD collaborates with the University of Adelaide for crustal modelling

One of the major activities of GReD srl is the development of state-of-the-art solutions for geophysical exploration from gravimetric data. In this framework GReD srl and the Centre for Tectonics, Resources and Exploration (TRaX) Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Adelaide are carrying out a scientific collaboration to study the crustal architecture in several key regions of the world. The focus of this joint research activity is the evaluation of the impact of gravity data in the modelling of the crust/mantle discontinuity.

October 15th, 2015|News|

GReD at the Maker Faire Rome 2015

GReD, in collaboration with Prof. Saji Hameed of the University of Aizu (Japan), will participate as exhibitor and presenter to the Maker Faire Rome 2015 with a project titled "Tracking clouds and rain with low cost GPS chips".

September 18th, 2015|News|

Scientific collaboration on the Earth crust in Mozambique for oil & gas exploration

One of the major activities of GReD s.r.l is the development of state-of-the-art solutions for geophysical exploration from gravimetric data. In this framework GReD s.r.l. and ERCL Ltd. (Exploration Reservoir Consultants - are carrying out a scientific collaboration to study the crustal architecture of Mozambique for oil & gas exploration. The focus of this joint research activity is the evaluation of the impact of GOCE satellite data in the modelling of the crust/mantle discontinuity.

September 3rd, 2015|News|

GReD at the FOSS4G Europe Como 2015

GReD attended the FOSS4G Europe Como 2015, which was held in Como (Italy) on July 14th-17th. In particular, GReD staff participated in the proposal, organization and execution of a workshop, by the title "Free and open source software for kinematic GNSS positioning", in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino. GReD staff also co-authored the paper "Extending goGPS for Snapshot Positioning" and the poster "Geodetic monitoring experiment by low-cost GNSS receiversand goGPS positioning engine", which were both presented within the Positioning Track on July 16th.

July 28th, 2015|News|

GeoGuard Monitoring Service

In the collaboration between GReD and Proteco, we are pleased to announce the start of the GeoGuard Service. GeoGuard is an innovative end-to-end service for the continuos monitoring of critical infrastructure and natural hazards. It includes activities and systems designed for the delivery of solutions, customized to different application scenarios, to provide accurate positioning with centimeter-level accuracy in near real-time, or millimiter-level accuracy for daily/sub-daily solutions. GeoGuard is designed to face and respond to social and industrial challenges, such as: safety of critical infrastructures (bridges, railways, water tanks, towers, dams, wind farms, ...); natural hazards (subsidence, landslides, river floods, extreme [...]

May 27th, 2015|News|

GReD was selected for H2020 SME Instrument (Phase 1)

GReD's proposal, named SOLID (Satellite-based Observation of Land and Infrastructure Deformations), was selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument (Phase 1) call. The SME Instrument Phase 1 target is to explore and assess the technical feasibility and commercial potential of a breakthrough innovation that a Small-Medium Enterprise (SME) wants to exploit and commercialize. Here you can access the official list of SME Instrument beneficiaries (Phase 1): link

April 9th, 2015|News|

GReD at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015

GReD will attend the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015, to be held in Chiba (Tokyo, Japan) on May 24th-28th. In particular, GReD staff participated in the proposal and organization of a scientific session (A-AS03 - "Understanding extremes: high-resolution models, dense observations and the emergent role of big data"), and will give an invited talk at session M-TT05 - "New phase of GPS/GNSS application as an integrated earth observation system".

April 3rd, 2015|News|

GReD started a collaboration with Osaka City University (Japan)

GReD is collaborating with Yoshida Lab. of Osaka City University (OCU) in Japan, for carrying out joint experiments on deformation monitoring by precise GNSS positioning using low-cost GNSS receivers. The tests are carried out in relative positioning mode, with respect to both physical and virtual reference stations, evaluating the positioning performance when using different GNSS constellations.

February 12th, 2015|News|

GReD activities in gravimetry for the oil & gas industry

Within the collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, GReD has started activities on the frontier of geomatics R&D for Earth knowledge to enable innovative solutions for oil & gas industry. These solutions bring important advantages in the exploration and production activities, particularly in wide and poorly explored areas, thus allowing for a better identification of the most promising acreages on a regional scale. The R&D activities aim to considerably improve performances of airborne kinematic gravimetry/gradiometry in terms of accuracy and spatial resolution of the retrieved local gravity field, to combine different gravity observations in a multi-scale approach (delivering a local grid [...]

February 12th, 2015|News|

GReD started a collaboration with Terna Rete Italia SpA

Terna Rete Italia SpA and GReD recently started a collaboration to test an innovative solution for the continuous monitoring of the stability of the towers for the national electricity transmission network. The solution allows to detect with an accuracy of about one centimeter the absolute position of a point on the tower allowing in this way to highlight abnormal movements. The pilot project consists on the introduction of a new generation of GPS receivers to be installed on the towers, designed and engineered by GReD in collaboration with Proteco, and the processing of GPS data leveraging on computational models designed and developed by GReD. Terna Rete Italia SpA is the company belonging to the Terna Group that deals with the national electricity grid’s operation, maintenance and development fully respecting the environment and communities. Terna [...]

November 26th, 2014|News|

GReD started a collaboration with Proteco

One of the main activities of GReD is the development of state-of-the-art solutions for advanced topographic and cartographic applications, as well as support for Critical Infrastructures Health monitoring systems. GReD and Proteco recently became partners, with the purpose of developing and commercialising a Service for the static/dynamic monitoring of critical infrastructures. The system, based on GNSS (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BEIDOU, ...) will allow to measure the position of special sensors at the centimeter/millimeter level, in order to permit a continuous and precise monitoring of the behaviour of static systems (buildings, dams, bridges, towers for power supply, ...) as well as [...]

November 14th, 2014|News|

GReD’s new headquarters

From 2014, November 1st, GReD's operative headquarters is located in ComoNExT, Lomazzo (CO), Italy. Inaugurated in 2010, ComoNExT Science and Technology Park is a project launched by the Como Chamber of Commerce to promote the growth and competitiveness of local businesses through a culture of innovation. ComoNExT is situated in Lomazzo, in the former Cotonificio Somaini, a 19th-century cotton mill of great historical and architectural significance. The mill’s conversion highlights the determination to regenerate this industrial site and the surrounding area. A century-old historical symbol, this icon of local manufacturing development and tradition lies in the triangle formed by upper [...]

November 3rd, 2014|News|

GReD at Topo-Europe 2014

GReD attended the conference “Topo-Europe 2014: Interplay between surface, lithospheric, and mantle processes”, held in Barcelona on 17-19 September, with a poster presentation. Poster title: “GEMMA1.0: A Global Crustal Model from the Inversion of GOCE Gravity Observations”. […]

September 20th, 2014|News|

GReD at the 3rd IGFS General Assembly 2014

GReD attended the 3rd International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) General Assembly, held from 30 June to 6 July in Shanghai, China. A poster was presented, with the title “The GEMMA Crustal Model and the Bayesian Estimation of Geological Provinces from GOCE Data”. […]

July 7th, 2014|News|

GReD at EGU 2014 conference

GReD attended the EGU General Assembly 2014, which was held on 27 April – 2 May in Vienna, Austria, with an oral presentation and two poster presentations. The oral presentation was entitled “Exploiting Along-track GOCE Gravity Gradients for the Modeling of Subduction Plates”, while the two posters were […]

May 2nd, 2014|News|

GReD at the 32nd GNGTS Conference

GReD won the AGLC “Licio Cernoboro” prize for young researchers in the Applied Geophysics session of the 32nd GNGTS Conference. Attached you can find the extended abstract and the presentation of the work entitled “Il modello GEMMA: realizzazione, validazione e distribuzione”. […]

November 22nd, 2013|News|

GReD at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013

GReD participated at ESA Living Planet Symposium to be held 9 – 13 September in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, with an oral presentation. The abstract entitled “The GEMMA crustal model: validation and data distribution” was reviewed by […]

September 14th, 2013|News|

GReD at IAG Scientific Assembly 2013

GReD attended the IAG Scientific Assembly 2013 in Potsdam from 1 to 6 September 2013, with a poster presentation. Attached you can find abstract and poster of the work entitled “A new Earth Gravitational Model from the combination of GOCE and EGM08 models”. […]

September 7th, 2013|News|

GReD at the Goldschmidt Symposium 2013

GReD participated at the Goldschmidt2013 Symposium held in Florence (August 25-30, 2013), with an oral presentation. The work entitled “Crustal Thickness Estimation from GOCE Satellite Mission Gravity Data” was as oral presentation on Tuesday 27th August in Session 04e. […]

September 1st, 2013|News|

GReD at the VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium

GReD will be present at the VIII Hotine-Marussi Symposium in Rome (June 17-21, 2013), with an oral presentation. The abstract entitled “Integrating geological prior information into the inverse gravimetric problem: the Bayesian approach” […]

June 1st, 2013|News|

GReD at EGU 2013 Conference

GReD attended EGU 2013 General Assembly, held in Vienna from 8 to 12 April 2013, with two oral presentations: one on the use of a GNSS multi-antenna system with the goGPS software […]

April 20th, 2013|News|

GReD is partner of SM[i]2

Sportello Matematico per l’Industria Italiana (SM[i]2) encourages effective and highly qualified consulting in the field of science and technology transfer, focusing in particular on the role of mathematics applied to the problems of Industry and Society. […]

October 20th, 2012|News|

GReD at SIFET 2012 Conference

The annual SIFET meeting has been held in Modena from 12th to 14th September 2012; the main subject was “GNSS: FROM THE GLOBAL ADJUSTMENT TO THE LOCAL SURVEY”. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) represent one of the most  […]

September 15th, 2012|News|
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