Terna Rete Italia SpA and GReD recently started a collaboration to test an innovative solution for the continuous monitoring of the stability of the towers for the national electricity transmission network. The solution allows to detect with an accuracy of about one centimeter the absolute position of a point on the tower allowing in this way to highlight abnormal movements. The pilot project consists on the introduction of a new generation of GPS receivers to be installed on the towers, designed and engineered by GReD in collaboration with Proteco, and the processing of GPS data leveraging on computational models designed and developed by GReD.

Terna Rete Italia SpA is the company belonging to the Terna Group that deals with the national electricity grid’s operation, maintenance and development fully respecting the environment and communities.

Terna Rete Italia website: http://www.ternareteitalia.it

2014-11-26T16:52:44+01:00Tags: |
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